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Our Vision
Grace Chapel consists of a group of people in the Bible referred to as "called out ones." Ever since our first parents subjected their offspring as well as the world to futility and the curse of sin, God has set out to bring us restoration and to make all things new. He has accomplished this by sending His son to redeem a people who will come alongside Him in the work of renewal. This is who we are. As such, we believe ourselves called to engage the marginalized and sin-sick, work for His glory and establish worshiping communities through church-planting and the proclamation of the Gospel.
Our Mission
To display God's Glory by:
Seeking peace and unity in relationships
Participating in meals, mutual service and mission work together
Doing our work well understanding it to be integral to the mission of God in the world
Creating a space for those who need restoration, healing and forgiveness
Engaging Jesus Christ and worshipping Him fully in the context of community
Our Values
This Good News of Restoration (what is called "The Gospel") brought by Christ shapes our community at Grace Chapel. As a result we are called to live out our lives together according to certain values we believe flow from this precious Gospel. Our hope is that these values would reflect both who we are and who we are becoming.
Holistic - to quote from the famous Christmas hymn, "(Jesus) has come to make His blessings flow far as the curse is found." In other words, in the person of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom has come and that Kingdom brings "good news" to the "whole person" (body and soul), and to the "whole world" (all people, as well as all of God's creation). We seek to approach ministry holistically, serving as a blessing to both the whole person and the whole world.
Free - "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free..." (Gal. 5:1). Because of the finished work of Jesus Christ at the Cross, we have been set free to live in His ways, by His Spirit. This means we are free to love all people (even those who have offended us), free to speak directly and truthfully to members in the Body of Christ (of course, in love), free to believe the promises of Scripture for us, free to stand in the identity of our justification and adoption into the family of God and free to live with courage before the Lord. In addition, because the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord of our consciences, where Scripture chooses not to speak directly to various issues impacting our daily decisions and lives, in the context of connected community, we are free to follow our individual convictions on matters of conscience (Rom 14:1ff.).
Repentant - "Jesus answered them, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance'" (Luke 5:31,32). At Grace Chapel, we believe repentance is a "lifestyle." While we may have "repented" for the first time and given our lives to Jesus Christ upon our conversion, the rest of our lives are spent deepening that repentance, confessing our sin (1 Jn. 1:8,9), coming into a deeper understanding and awareness of the grace and forgiveness of the Cross. At whichever point we find our lives ceasing to bear the peaceable fruits of Christ, we realize we are no longer "keeping with repentance" and walking as children of God are meant to walk (Lk. 3:8, Rom. 2:4).
Accepting - "A new command I give you; love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another" (Jn. 13:34). Though alienated entirely from our Creator, God demonstrated His great and unique love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8). Jesus Christ loved the unlovable and gave His life for the unworthy. We were such people. If that is the case, how can we withhold His grace, love, acceptance and forgiveness from others regardless of how "deserving or undeserving" they might be, despite the lifestyle they may have chosen, their appearance, race and/or socio-economic status? We can't. We love and accept you.
Joyful - "Joy to the world! The Lord is come: let earth receive her King!..." Because our King has been triumphant at the Cross and because His Eternal love has been poured out into our hearts (Rom. 5:5), we are a joyful and rejoicing people! Where joy is missing, unbelief is present as well. This is not to say that we need to plaster on a cheap smile in order to manufacture some kind of false joy but to say that if joy is missing in our lives, we must do the hard work of tracing back the root problem in our hearts that keeps us from believing the truth about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even following the height of His forsakenness, Jesus came out of the other side of the Cross singing of God's praises as we place our trust in His (Heb. 2:12,13 quoted from the Messianic Psalm 22:22). To enter His joy is to sing with Him in His song of redemption. Let us join that joyful song!
Our Beliefs
We believe in a Holy God who exist eternally in three persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe the Bible is the written Word of God, and we hold to it as our authority in all matters of faith and life.
We believe all people are sinners, justly deserving God's displeasure, and incapable of saving themselves.
We believe that Jesus Christ - God the Son who became man - lived a sinless life, died on the cross and rose again to accomplish our salvation. We recieve this gracious gift through faith alone.
We believe the Holy Spirit gives Christians the daily strength and wisdom they need to walk according to His will and to grow in holiness.
We believe that Jesus Christ will return to judge all mankind and to receive His people unto Himself.
Grace Chapel is a part of the Presbyterian Church in American (PCA).