Neighbor Love

At Grace Chapel, we believe that God has placed us strategically in the Near South and Everett neighborhoods to be a Kingdom presence. He has graciously provided ways for our lives to become engaged in the lives of our neighbors here. How can we use our gifts to impact our neighbors? How might we be changed by our friendship with them? We believe that a good way to start is through prayer, place and partnerships.



“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

This building and our work is first and foremost a provision and a work of God. All that we do is a result of his outpouring of mercy to us. As his people in this physical neighborhood, we ask for his guidance over all we do.


“For we are God’s coworkers. You are God’s field, God’s building… [The] Foundation is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:9, 11b

The Grace Chapel building is the Lord’s gift to us and to the neighborhood, and we steward it as such.


“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24

We work with a variety of local organizations and strive to collaborate- not compete- with their work.

Current Needs

These are current needs in our neighborhood that need to be met. If you would like to get involved in any of these opportunities, click the button.

Serve at the Gathering Place

Interested in serving dinner at the Gathering Place 6 times/year? This neighborhood soup kitchen has been running for 40 years and doing a fantastic job.

TeamMates at Everett

Everett Elementary School is looking for volunteers to become TeamMates. This would mean one hour/week spent at school with a kid who wants to connect with a caring adult. The activity is up to you! basketball, tutoring, puzzles, talking, whatever!

Prayer Team

Would you like to be added to the neighborhood prayer team? Help us host prayer walks and pray specifically for our neighborhood.

Juniper Refuge

Juniper Refuge needs mentorship teams for refugees. Consider joining a small group of mentors that would share the load with you. Ideally 5-6 people commit to giving 1.5 hours every week.