“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

This building and our work is first and foremost a provision and a work of God. All that we do is a result of his outpouring of mercy to us. As his people in this physical neighborhood, we ask for his guidance over all we do.

See below some practical ways we pursue prayer, but also look through the rest of the Neighbor Love section to see various initiatives that would benefit from your prayers.


Prayer Boxes

Our hope is to place prayer boxes around the neighborhood for residents to share their prayer requests with us. We will regularly empty the prayer boxes and pray over the needs of our neighbors. We are looking for volunteers to help pray for those prayer requests.

Prayer Walks

We schedule prayer walks in the neighborhood and invite anyone to join us. We seek to pray specifically for the needs that we see and desire our own hearts to be softened as we pray along neighborhood streets.